Not a biggie, but was it ever explained why ObjectDock .95 never made it on Stardock Central? Just curious.
on Jul 08, 2003
Hummmm..... It's on mine under the "Free Stuff" tab
on Jul 08, 2003
Weird, all I show is .90a.003
on Jul 08, 2003
Now I have it. Had to go to settings and check "Clear temp directory when refreshing data"

on Jul 08, 2003

Because there was some issue with an INI file that I couldn't figure out that kept causing problems for updates.

It's been modified to link to the 0.95 download through cnet.

on Jul 08, 2003
The only bad part seems to be that after you download and install it, it will not appear as installed on Stardock Central. Similar to CursorXP. Just a bit harder to tell when an update is available for dl. You have to keep your eye on the version numbers a bit more.